Leadership Training for Females at IU

A one day leadership training was given at Injibara University to female Instructors and females at leadership positions of Injibara University on Feb 28/2020 G.C at FBE seminar hall.

Professor Berhanu Belay, President of the university, gave opening speech to the trainee. In his speech, he pointed out that bringing women to the leadership positions is not the issue of ‘quota’ ,rather it is looking out women who are capable and  competent to lead and by  that let them contribute.

The training was on ’Science of leadership and wisdom of leadership’. In this training, topics such us what is leadership?, basics of leadership, the difference between leadership and management, the difference between leader and manager, and women and leadership were included.

The training was arranged by Injibara University Women Children and Youth Affairs Directorate and thirteen (30) women participated in the training.

The training provided by Ayal Adamu(MA), who is an instructor in management depart