Enhancing Education Quality: Academic Programs Accreditation at Injibara University

“Auditing academic programs and institutional quality is crucial to addressing our national education quality challenges,” stated Dr. Gardachew Worku, President of Injibara University.

Recently, the Academic Council of Injibara University, which includes presidents, deans, directors, coordinators, and department heads, participated in a two-day training focused on Education Quality, Outcome-Based Education, Quality Audits, and Academic Program Accreditation. Dr. Gardachew highlighted the importance of these audits in elevating national education standards. He noted that Injibara University is actively working to meet international benchmarks, improve program quality and relevance, and achieve full accreditation for its programs. He announced that selected programs will be undergoing audit and accreditation this year.

Dr. Alem Amsalu, the Executive of the University’s Education Quality Assurance and Development, presented an action plan aligned with the criteria set by the Education and Training Authority (ETA) for conducting thorough academic program and institutional audits. He emphasized that accreditation is a vital step in establishing a high-quality and competitive academic institution.

Dr. Sintayehu Belay, Deputy Dean of Postgraduate, Research, and Community Service at the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, commended the training’s relevance and timing. He reaffirmed his commitment to achieving international standards and positioning Injibara University as a leading educational institution.

The training was conducted by Dr. Alem Amsalu, and Mr. Tilahun Adamu, a scholar in Lifelong Learning and Community Development.

November 21, 2017 E.C 

Injibara University