Elimneh Tsegahun

NameElmineh Tsegahun Gedif
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMSc from Bahir Dar University (BDU), Science College (17/10/2017 to 18/07/ 2019)BSc in Chemistry from Bahir Dar University, Science College (10/11/2005 to 04/07/2009 to)
Work Experience§ Lecturer at Injibara University (08/02/2020 G.C – Present) § Lecturer at Wolkite University (10/02/2020 – 8/03/2020 G.C)
Research Interest§ Energy production§ Nanomaterial§ Photocatalysis§ Nanotechnology
AddressCollege of Natural and Computational Science, Injibara University Office: Lab. Building, G +2, 219 Phone Number: +251918654349/18212229 Email: elmiyee29@gmail.com