Injibara University started its operation in 2018 with 1252 students in 22 undergraduate programs under four colleges. Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President is responsible for managing academic issues including expansion of programs. Currently, the university has 58 undergraduate and 44 postgraduate programs including one PhD program. As the university is classified as a Comprehensive University by the Ministry of Education, we focused on academic programs’ expansion in recent years without compromising the quality in any way. The number of colleges has increased to seven namely: Agriculture, Food and Climate Sciences, Business and Economics, Education and Behavioral and Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medicine and Health Sciences, Natural and Computational Sciences, Social Science and Humanities. We have also opened School of Law.

Moreover, Office of the Vice President has responsibility to direct academic directors manly: Academic Affairs, Continuing and Distance Education, Education Quality Assurance Enhancement and Auditing, Library and Documentation, Postgraduate Program, and Registrar and Alumni Directorates. Currently, there are 14432 students in regular, extension and summer modalities. The university had only 96 academic staff at the begging. This number has now increased to 560 among which 96 are Assistant Professors and above. There are also 56 technical assistants. There are 116 academic staff on study leave, 80 of them are studying for PhD qualification. Among the staff that are on study leave, 14 are attending their studies abroad. The university has been taking important measures to bring about education quality. We are also devising some exceptional methodologies to make the undergraduate students get prepared for the exit exam. We have started to collaborate with different institutions in education sector and we are still very grateful to any other initiatives that wish to work with us.