Abebaw Muluneh

Full NameAbebaw Muluneh Abebe
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMA from Hawassa University (September 2010 to June 2011)BA in English Language and Literature from Samara University (October 2000-June 20003)
Working ExperienceLecturer at Injibara University(August 2013 to the present)Lecturer at Samara University (July 2012 to July 2013)Assistant Lecturer at Samara University ( February 2008 to September 2010)Teacher at Gewanie, Chagni, and Dinkara High school (September 2004 to June 2007)
Research InterestLanguage needs AssessmentResearch on Language TestingResearch on Process WritingResearch on Task based Approach
AddressCollege of Social Science and Humanities, Injibara UniversityOffice: Registrar Building, Room 114Tel: +251 913793073 Email: abetsueyu@gmail.com