Abebe Melese Tirfie

Name: – Abebe Melese Tirfie

Position: – Chief one Technical Assistance

Rank: – Master of Science (M.Sc) degree

University: – Injibara University

College: – Agriculture, Food and Climate Science

Department: – Animal Science

Field of Specialization: – Animal Production

Research Interest: – Conducting research on Animal production performance evaluation like Poultry, dairy, beef and shoat. However, I have a special love researching on beekeeping and different hive products like propolis, honey, wax, royal jely, pollen etc.

Email Address:-abebem59@gmail.com

ORCID: – https://orcid.org/0009-0004-9992-8585

ResearchGate:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abebe-Melese-3

Mobile number:-0941468679

I. Short profile

His full name is Abebe Melese Tirfie. He earned a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Animal science on July 12, 2017 from Debre Tabor University. After graduation, He works for six month in East Gojjam zone sedie woreda at aposition of apiculture and sericulture woreda expert. After six month work experience may 2018 G.c, Abebe had joined to Injibara University as a senior technical assistant. After Three year six month service at Injibara University, he joined to Bahir Dar University to pursue his Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree on November 2022, and completed his M.Sc. degree in Animal Production on March 21, 2024. Then after completing his Master’s degree, he went back to Inijibara University. Know he works at Injibara University as a Chief Technical Assistance in Animal Science Labratory.

He has statistical software skill like SPSS and SAS.

II. Publication

  1. Training of trainers on Apiculture Technical skills Development by young Entrepreneurs in silk and honey (YESH) and ICIPE Project
  2. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of education, National Qualification Certificate level one up to four
  3. Farmer to farmer training by USAID on Research Methdology, September 26-october 2, 2019

III. Certification and awards

  1. Training of trainers on Apiculture Technical skills Development by young Entrepreneurs in silk and honey (YESH) and ICIPE Project.
  2. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of education, National Qualification Certificate level one up to four.
  3. Farmer to farmer training by USAID on Research Methdology, September 26-october 2, 2019.