Agenagn Kebede

Full NameAgenagn Kebede Dagnew
Academic RankAssistant Professor
Education BackgroundIn 2004 E.C/2012 G.C, I received B.A. in Philosophy At Addis-Ababa University In 2008 E.C/2016 G.C, I received M.A. in Political Science at Bahir-Dar UniversityIn 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Global Diplomacy from University of London which offered via CourseraIn 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Intercultural Communication and Conflicts Resolution from Division Continuing Education which offered via Coursera In 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Sustainable Development from University of Michigan which offered via Coursera
Working ExperienceLecturer at Woldia University (December 2012 to April 2020)Assistant Professor at Woldia University(April 2020 to January 2022)Assistant Professor at Injibara University(February 2022 to present)]National Researcher of Administrative Boundary, Self-Administration, and Identity Issues of Ethiopia(August 2020 to Feburary 2022)I have had editing and reviewing experience in various international journals. Link:
Research InterestWestern PhilosophyGenderPolitical philosophyIssues of Marginalized GroupConflict and Security IssuesAfrican StudiesPolitical ScienceStructure ViolenceAgew, Amhara, and Jews Political History
Publicationsአገናኝ ከበደ::(2020):: መፅሀፈ ዳሰሳ፣ የፓርቲ ፖለቲካ በኢትዮጵያ:JAAL(Afro-asiatic Studies in Harvard University), 9(1).Kebede, A.(2020). Women’s Political Participation in Ethiopia from ancient times to the present. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,10(2). Available at SSRN: or, A., Asmare, B., & Bogale, A. (2021). The Political Impact of Chewing Khat (Chat) on Chewers: In the Case of Woldia City Administration of North Wollo, Amhara National Regional State. Polit Journal: Scientific Journal of Politics, 1(4), 173-183.Kebede, A. (2020). Providing General Excerpt of Philosophy for the First Time Readers. Humanities and Social Sciences8(6), 177.Kebede, A. (2021). Revival of Technology as Master of Science: Let us do Technology, accordingly Political Science cannot be the Master of all Science. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology1(1), 55-55.Kebede, A. (2020). The Egypt’s Deeds, the Planed Extra Deeds to Destruct on Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Impossibilities of the Planned Extra Deeds. International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, 7(1).SSRN: or, A. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges of Women’s participation in decision making at local government administration: The Case of Debre-Tabor City Administration, South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia in the Post-2010 Period. IEESEM, 8(1).Kebede, A. (2021). Behind the Ethnic Sentiment of the 1960 Scholars. Ethiopian Herald, 78(18).Kebede, A. A., Dagnew, A. K., & Asabu, M. D. (2021). Chapter review of the seventh edition book of Michael Akehurt: Modern introduction to international law (1997). Int J Manag Sci Innov Technol2, 01-3.Kebede, A. (2022). The Veil Evil of Conspired History in Ethnic Politics of Ethiopia. International Education Studies and Sustainability, 2(2).Kebede, A. (2022). The Paradox: Working to fix the past Vs toiling to repeat it. American Based Research Journal, 11(7).Kebede, A. (2022). Take lesson from Kautilya (350-275 BC) and Machiavelli (1469-1527AD). Philosophy Journal International, 5, (1).
Contact addressE-mail: agenagnkebede@gmail.comMobile No+251 924490970     Injibara University, Injibara, EthiopiaInstitutional media: Twitter: