Education Background | In 2004 E.C/2012 G.C, I received B.A. in Philosophy At Addis-Ababa University In 2008 E.C/2016 G.C, I received M.A. in Political Science at Bahir-Dar UniversityIn 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Global Diplomacy from University of London which offered via CourseraIn 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Intercultural Communication and Conflicts Resolution from Division Continuing Education which offered via Coursera In 2012 E.C/2020 G.C, I received Certificate in Sustainable Development from University of Michigan which offered via Coursera |
Publications | አገናኝ ከበደ::(2020):: መፅሀፈ ዳሰሳ፣ የፓርቲ ፖለቲካ በኢትዮጵያ:JAAL(Afro-asiatic Studies in Harvard University), 9(1).Kebede, A.(2020). Women’s Political Participation in Ethiopia from ancient times to the present. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,10(2). Available at SSRN: or, A., Asmare, B., & Bogale, A. (2021). The Political Impact of Chewing Khat (Chat) on Chewers: In the Case of Woldia City Administration of North Wollo, Amhara National Regional State. Polit Journal: Scientific Journal of Politics, 1(4), 173-183.Kebede, A. (2020). Providing General Excerpt of Philosophy for the First Time Readers. Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(6), 177.Kebede, A. (2021). Revival of Technology as Master of Science: Let us do Technology, accordingly Political Science cannot be the Master of all Science. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 1(1), 55-55.Kebede, A. (2020). The Egypt’s Deeds, the Planed Extra Deeds to Destruct on Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Impossibilities of the Planned Extra Deeds. International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, 7(1).SSRN: or, A. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges of Women’s participation in decision making at local government administration: The Case of Debre-Tabor City Administration, South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia in the Post-2010 Period. IEESEM, 8(1).Kebede, A. (2021). Behind the Ethnic Sentiment of the 1960 Scholars. Ethiopian Herald, 78(18).Kebede, A. A., Dagnew, A. K., & Asabu, M. D. (2021). Chapter review of the seventh edition book of Michael Akehurt: Modern introduction to international law (1997). Int J Manag Sci Innov Technol, 2, 01-3.Kebede, A. (2022). The Veil Evil of Conspired History in Ethnic Politics of Ethiopia. International Education Studies and Sustainability, 2(2).Kebede, A. (2022). The Paradox: Working to fix the past Vs toiling to repeat it. American Based Research Journal, 11(7).Kebede, A. (2022). Take lesson from Kautilya (350-275 BC) and Machiavelli (1469-1527AD). Philosophy Journal International, 5, (1). |