Bimirew Asaye

Full NameBimrew Assaye Bekele
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMA from Africa leader ship Excellence Academy in Development Communication and Media studies( 2011- 2012E.C)BA from Debre Markose University (2001-2003 E.C) in applied EnglishDiploma from Gondar College of Teachers Education (1999-1990E,C)
Working ExperienceLecturer at Injibara University ( from September 2021 to Present)Teacher at Ambiky Elementary school from 1991-1997 E.cSchool supervisor from 1997-1999 E. cYouth Head office at Guangua woreda from 1999-2000)Youth Head office at Chagni town from 2000-2001 E.c)Speaker of the city council at Chagini Town from 2005-2010 E.C
Research InterestParticipatory communication for developmentThe role of media for developmentEntrepreneurshipThe role of public relation for better communication
AddressCollege of human science and humanities, Injibara University
Office: Registrar Building, Room 101
Tel: +251 92 148 2395
Email: bimrewassaye