Fikrie Melkamu

Full NameFikrie Melkamu Engdaw
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMSc from Haramaya University (September 2014 to November 2016).BSc in Mathematics from Debre Berhan University (January 2010-July 2012).
Working ExperienceGraduate Assistant I & II at Haramaya University (November 23,  2012 to November  23, 2014).Lecturer at Haramaya University (Novmber 27,  2016  to July 07, 2019)Lecturer at Injibara University ( July 08, 2019 to Present)
Research InterestMathematical Modeling and Optimal Control.
AddressCollege of Natural and Computational Science, Injibara University
Office: Building- 04, No. 102.
Tel: +251 923163785