Gizachew Yihunie Maru

Full Name Gizachew Yihunie Maru
Academic Rank Assistant Professor
Education Background
  • MED Special Needs and Inclusive Education from Addis Ababa  University (2007 E.C)
  • PGDT in Special Needs Education in Addis Ababa University (2005 E.C.)
  • HDP in Deber Markose University (2004 E.C)
  • BA in Special Needs Education from Addis Ababa University (2001 E.C.)
  • Diploma in Teaching Amharic in Gondar  TTC (1997)
  •  Certificate in Teaching Elementary Schools in Nekemtie TTC (1982)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (01/12/ 2013 E.C. to Present)
  • Lecturer at Gilgel Beles Teacher Education College (01/12/2002 E.C.)
  • Mandura Wereda Education and  Capacity Office as Education Program Leader (01/12/2001 E.C)
  • Vise Director in Dibatie Elementary and Junior School (01/11/1997 to 01/01/1999
  • Elementary Teachers in Gallesa Elementary School (01/11/1990 to 01/11/1997)
  • Teacher and Director in Bechatie Elementary Schools (01/11/1985 to 01/11/1988
  • Teacher in Baruda Elementary Schools (01/11/1984 to 1985)
  • Teacher in Pawi Wereda No 2 V 9 Elementary school (01/11/1982 to 01/11/1984)
Research Interest
  • Conducting Research on How to Identify. Asses, and Support Students with Special Needs
  • Rearing and Handling of Children in Special Needs in Some Selected Cultural Groups
  • Inclusion Practices

College of Education and Behavioral University

Office: Registrar Building, Room 209

Tel: +251 0913073366
