Habtam Genie

Full NameHabtam Genie Dessie
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMA in Educational Planning and Management from Bahir Dar University (October, 2019)BA in Educational Planning and Management from Bahir Dar University (July, 2012)
Work ExperienceLecturer, Department of EdPM, Injibara University (September 2021 to Present)Plan Expert, Awi Nationality Administration Zone (February 2013 to August 2021)
Research InterestsChange Leadership in EducationContinuous Professional Development of Teachers and School LeadersLeadership and Management in School Context
PublicationsAgegnehu Alene Demozie & Habtam Genie Dessie (2022): The effect of professional qualification and work experience on primary school principals’ instructional leadership performance in the Awi zone of Ethiopia, Education 3-13, https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2022.2051580
AddressCollege of Education and Behavioral Sciences Office: Block 5, 2nd Floor, Room 216            Tel: +251927661435 Email: habtamgenie@gmail.com/habtamgenie@inu.edu.et ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7244-4741