Selamsew Tiruneh Abebe

Full NameSelamsew Tiruneh Abebe
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMA Degree in Special Needs and Inclusive Education from Bahir Dar  University (2018 to 2019)BA Degree in Pedagogical Science from Bahir Dar University (2004 to 2009)
Work  ExperienceLecturer At Injibara University (April 2021 To Present)High School Teaching Experience at Mengsha Jenbre General Secondary School in Dangila, Awi Zone (September 2009 to 2020)
Research InterestInclusive educationPractice of special needs education
AddressCollege of Education  and Behavioral science, Injibara UniversityOffice: Registrar Building, Room 409Tel: +251 920511620Email: