Solomon Gedefaw Ashagrie

Name                                       Solomon Gedefaw Ashagrie
Academic Rank Technical Assistance
Education Background B.Sc. degree in Horticulture at Mekdela Amba University in 2013 E.C.
Working Experience Since 30/12/2022 to now a Technical Assistance in Horticulture department.
Research Interest
  • Crop pest management
  • Improving of horticultural crop production and handling
  • on fruit and vegetable pest management,
  • fruit and vegetable yield improvement
  • multiplication seedless horticultural croup by tissue
  • Increasing fruit and vegetable shelf life and storage, on spice yield product improvement.
Address College of Agriculture,Food and Climate science, at Injibara University.
   Email Address:
    Mobile Number: +251937373934