Yayeh Andualem

Full NameYayeh Andualem Alamir
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMA in Federal Studies from Addis Abeba University (October 2002 – to July 12, 2003 EC)Bachelor of Education (BED) in Civics and Ethical Education from Mekele University (1998- 2000 EC)
Working ExperienceLecturer at Samara University (01/08/2003 up to 30/01/2010 EC)Lecturer at Injibara University (October 2010 EC on wards)Assistant lecturer at Samara University from 15/01/2001 – 01/02/2002 EcStudents Affairs committee in Samara University from 10/01/2004 up to 08/01/2005 EC Ethics and anti- corruption chief trainer in Samara UniversityResearcher in Afar and Ethio-Somale inter and intra ethnic conflicts (researcher in national conflict mapping and conflict analysis project in Ethiopia) project carried out by the institute for peace and security studies of Addis Ababa University in collaboration with the House of Federation. Researcher in national study administrative boundary, self-administration and identity issues in Ethiopia .
Research InterestGood governance and DecentralizationEffectiveness of Public service delivery Peace and conflictHuman Rights protectionPolitical intelligence Federal political systemSustainable developmentConstitution and constitutional issues Democracy and Democratization Work Ethics Culture and Development
PublicationsDejen Abera and Yayeh Andualem (2017) An assessment of decentralized public health service delivery. The case of Afar National regional state: CLEAR International Journal of Research in Management, Science and Technology
Contact addressE-mail: yayehandualem12@gmail.com Tel+251 923 75 1985    Injibara University, Injibara, Ethiopia