The agreement focuses on producing manpower that the country needs and working together on problem-solving research and community service projects.
President of Injbara University, Gardachew Worku (PhD), said that the purpose of the agreement is based on the mutual benefit of the two universities in teaching, research and community service as well as organizing various trainings. He also stated that the Injibara University has contributed significantly to the restoration of peace in the Awi Zone and the surrounding areas, and it opens the door for the two universities to carry out various research projects.
The Research and Community Service V/President of Injbara University, Kindie Birhan (PhD) stated that the agreement should be implemented to work together in health, education and, peace and stability issues of Awi Zone and Metekal area.
Assosa University’s Research and Community Service V/President, Haymanot Disasa (PhD), on his part, stated that the MoU agreement signed in the aforementioned date focuses on the missions assigned to the universities, and it is planned to work together in the areas of training, education, development and, peace and stability by bringing it down to the Colleges and Departments of both universities.
October, 2022.