Representatives of Soka University Held a Discussion at Injibara University

The discussion was held based on the agreement known as SATREPs-EARTH which was signed in May 2021 in between the institutions of the two countries, Ethiopia and Japan. The participants of the discussion were: Soka University and JAICA from Japan, and Injibara University, Bahir Dar University and Lake Tana and Water Bodies Agency from Ethiopia. The dialogue was held as part of the Five-year project agreement signed in between the two countries a year ago.

The aim of the project is to eliminate the spread of weeds on Lake Tana, to conduct joint research projects and to share short and long-term trainings.

In the discussion, president of Injibara University, Gardachew Worku (PhD) and vice presidents of the university, the project directors from Soka University, Prof. Sato and Mr. Hirata, country manager of the project, Solomon Addisu (PhD), and researchers involved in the project have participated.

In the meeting, further agreements were also made to organize and upgrade the laboratories of Injibara University and to support it with the required resources, and to provide Scholarship Opportunities.

September 2022, Injibara, Ethiopia